Wednesday, March 19, 2008 - Place on the net for Trinitians

Hi everyone,

This is a site that i've been working on for the last month. Actually this is a forum or discussion board based. The site is specially for Trinitians, who're interested in their alma mater.

The site basically discusses about the current situation of Trinity, and to facilitate as an online meeting center/place for them and have a good time. The site was started initially as a place for the Batch of 2006 to meet and communicate w/each other. But in the near future we're hoping to open registration for the public this for the public.

In the meantime please take a look at it here

Hey people, this is a site that me and some of my friends are doing for our Higher diploma in Computing. Its still under development so please don't mind if you come across unfinished pages.

The site will be having a few tutorial sections, a download section for various free & open source S/W that you'd most likely need in day-to-day activities and some other stuff that you might find interesting.

Visit us here at: & leave your feedback.


We're currently going under a new development plan to improve the look and feel of the site.